all these little earthquakes
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baby, can you see through the tears? Welcome
dobrodošli na rpg forumu all these little earthquakes ali krajše ATLE, kjer je dogajanje postavljeno v idlični port charles v južnjaški louisiani. registracija zahteva ime in priimek v malih tiskanih črkah. lahko si izberete enega od canon likov ali ustvarite svojega. v mestecu je vedno pestro in govorice si širijo še preden zaviješ za naslednji vogal. umazano perilo visi sredi glavnega trga in zlobni jeziki ne prizanašajo. nikomur.

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idejna zasnova in sam forum pripadata sandri. soustvarjati ga je pomagala celotna moderatorska ekipa, ki je poskrbela za odpiranje tem in strukturo. forumsko grafiko je ustvarila ana, za skin pa gredo zasluge rosemary. vsi prispevki in opisi so delo in last uporabnikov foruma. vsakršno kopiranje je prepovedano.


 baby, can you see through the tears?

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lizzie bradfordlizzie bradford

Število prispevkov : 62
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Join date : 02/10/2012

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptySre Okt 03, 2012 1:42 am

baby, can you see through the tears? Tumblr_m13o2lcNlp1r5pk19o6_250
elsie c. hocking,
twenty four - kindergarten teacher - mayberry

    rich - spoiled - kind - complicated - funny - sarcastic - people person - party girl - bad taste in men - close with her family - can love deeply

x maddox: childhood lovers, best of friends!
x charlotte: best frenemies!
x colton: you had me at hello! :3
x ... : diamons are a girls best friends. i need my besties and lots of them! prijateljice iz gimnazije, faksa, new buds, karkoli!
x ... : wild, reckless, love affairs! sex her up people! je splošno znano da si ne zna zbirati moških, so the more messed up it'll be, the better!
x ... : hate you with a burning fire. enemies, fights, shouting matches, the choice is entirely up to you!
x ... : anyone ordered drama? yes puh-lease! i don't mind if it's soap oper-ish, the crazier the better!

Nazadnje urejal/a elsie hocking Sob Okt 06, 2012 11:42 pm; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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lincoln westwoodlincoln westwood

Število prispevkov : 241
Reputation : 31
Join date : 20/09/2012

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptySre Okt 03, 2012 3:14 am

    hello sweety. brala sem tvoj opis in se popolnoma zaljubila vanjo :3
    torej zdi se mi, da bi se odlično ujele s charlotte. obe bogati, sploh s tega vidika da prihaja charlotte iz ene bogatejših in naj vplivnejših družin bi bil še razlog več, da bi bili najboljši prijateljici od otroštva pa do nekje študija, ko sta se vse manj družili in potem popolnoma pozabili druga na drugo. ne vem, lahko greva na to foro, da je bila mogoče elsie že od nekdaj precej ljubosumna na charlotte zaradi njenega imena, vpliva in vsega - ker razen dragih oblek ki jih je nosila, nikoli ni bila ravno dobra v tem da bi ime izkoristila.
    lahko da je bila potem tudi elsie v srednji šoli tista, ki jo je potegnila v bolj žurerske vode in povzročala spore v družini. lahko, da je bila tudi ona tista ki je kdaj pa kdaj povedala kako besedo preveč pred drugimi in so tako resnice počasi pričele prihajati v javnost, ne da bi charlotte vedela da je za to kriva ona.
    i don't know. imaš mogoče ti še kako idejo? smitten 1
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lizzie bradfordlizzie bradford

Število prispevkov : 62
Reputation : 31
Join date : 02/10/2012

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptySre Okt 03, 2012 4:56 am

    hello there^^
    i love it! tko blair&serena style? pač sta rule the school ko sta bile v gimnaziji, res so vsi plazli za njima, ampak nikoli nista mogle 100% rečt da sta ble bffs, čeprov sta pa najbližje kokr bosta lohk sploh pršle (:
    pol je pa mogoče elsie šla na faks al neki, in sta zgubile stik, zdej pa pride nazaj in sta mogoče od začetka tko 'navidez' kolegice aveš, keeping up appearances, ampak na koncu koncev se jima neki zgodi - en dogodek k ju poveže skupi in si res postaneta blizu, if you know what i mean? res tko full on serena&blair style, sta si ful blizu ampak you know, stvari se dogajajo, spreta se, become enemies, na koncu pa zmeri najdeta pot nazaj skp....?
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lincoln westwoodlincoln westwood

Število prispevkov : 241
Reputation : 31
Join date : 20/09/2012

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptySre Okt 03, 2012 7:35 am

    edit: yes, that would be great! i could definitely. could you start, cause i have not computer for some time, začasno sem na telefonu dokler ni računalnika ne popravijo. :3
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baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyNed Okt 07, 2012 4:00 am

anything for elsie's little sis? smitten2
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lizzie bradfordlizzie bradford

Število prispevkov : 62
Reputation : 31
Join date : 02/10/2012

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyNed Okt 07, 2012 6:18 am

    @charlotte: opsa čist sm spregledala to. ej dobiš en začetek takoj ko me zadane navdih^^

    @juliet: omhy yes please :smitten: jst sm tko nekak pisala u opisu da so use dekleta almost best of friends, tko da slumber party/boy gossip at family house? yes/yes? (:
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
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Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyNed Okt 07, 2012 6:57 am

    anything for lucrezia?
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baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyTor Okt 09, 2012 8:57 am

woow. sploh nism opazila posta :/ and yes yes sounds cool. Smile
boš začela ti? (:
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baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyČet Okt 11, 2012 5:00 am

well, hello there^^. bi se, by any chance, našlo kaj za elsie's youngest sister?
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colton parkercolton parker
tv series producertv series producer

Število prispevkov : 85
Reputation : 44
Join date : 20/10/2012
Kraj : port charles, louisiana

baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyPon Okt 22, 2012 5:35 am

    awh she's lovely, can i get a piece of her, pweety please? smitten 1

    and i know you're also behind awesome damien, but i don't want to get to you there too, tako, da je pomojem najboljše, da se ti vštulim koj tukej zraven...mislim pač povej pri katerem bi bolj potrebovala kakšno povezavico, če ti je pa okej in vse to, ti pa uštulim sage koj pri obeh dveh hihi :3 you tell ^^
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baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? EmptyPon Nov 26, 2012 8:51 am

Do you have space for me? Kr mi je bil res všeč opisek pa lik nasplošno smitten 1
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baby, can you see through the tears? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: baby, can you see through the tears?   baby, can you see through the tears? Empty

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baby, can you see through the tears?

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