all these little earthquakes
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moon is white and the sky is black, Welcome
dobrodošli na rpg forumu all these little earthquakes ali krajše ATLE, kjer je dogajanje postavljeno v idlični port charles v južnjaški louisiani. registracija zahteva ime in priimek v malih tiskanih črkah. lahko si izberete enega od canon likov ali ustvarite svojega. v mestecu je vedno pestro in govorice si širijo še preden zaviješ za naslednji vogal. umazano perilo visi sredi glavnega trga in zlobni jeziki ne prizanašajo. nikomur.

moon is white and the sky is black, Pravila
moon is white and the sky is black, Zasnova
moon is white and the sky is black, Oglasevanje
moon is white and the sky is black, Map
moon is white and the sky is black, Faceclaim
moon is white and the sky is black, Canon
moon is white and the sky is black, Wanted

moon is white and the sky is black, Staff

moon is white and the sky is black, Cbox
moon is white and the sky is black, Spotlight
the leading lady

moon is white and the sky is black, Leadinglady

the leading gentleman

moon is white and the sky is black, Leadingmale

best friendly connection

moon is white and the sky is black, Friends

best family

moon is white and the sky is black, Family

best chemistry

moon is white and the sky is black, Chemistry

honorary member

moon is white and the sky is black, Member

biggest ego

moon is white and the sky is black, Ego

biggest sweetheart

moon is white and the sky is black, Sweetheart

should be a couple

moon is white and the sky is black, Couple
moon is white and the sky is black, Credits
idejna zasnova in sam forum pripadata sandri. soustvarjati ga je pomagala celotna moderatorska ekipa, ki je poskrbela za odpiranje tem in strukturo. forumsko grafiko je ustvarila ana, za skin pa gredo zasluge rosemary. vsi prispevki in opisi so delo in last uporabnikov foruma. vsakršno kopiranje je prepovedano.


 moon is white and the sky is black,

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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 14, 2012 7:42 am

    soo, izdelujem avatarje velikosti 150 x 200, bannanerje velikosti 400 x 200 (tudi druge mere) ter slike za opise. v enem paketu avatarjev jih bo nekje 10 - 30, kolikor uporabnih slik bom skratka našla. ne delam nobenih profesionalnih izdelkov, oz. mi v nobenem primeru ne bi uspelo, zato ne pričakujte kakšnih zelo dodelanih efektov ali česa podobnega. lepo bi bilo, če bi naročilu priložili link do kakšne galerije, seveda pa ni nujno. da pa ne bom nakladala, fell free to rehos my icons and here's some examples of my work. [:

moon is white and the sky is black, Annasophia4 moon is white and the sky is black, Nina20 moon is white and the sky is black, Amanda17 moon is white and the sky is black, Abbey8 moon is white and the sky is black, Emily12
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moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 14, 2012 8:06 am

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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 14, 2012 8:52 am

    here you go, sorry becus is short,

moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa1 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa2 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa3 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa4 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa5

moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa6 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa7 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa8 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa9 moon is white and the sky is black, Larisa10
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louis gallagherlouis gallagher

Število prispevkov : 56
Reputation : 1
Join date : 17/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 28, 2012 1:04 am

hi, zelo lepo artaš.

zayn malik, pretty please? Smile
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 28, 2012 1:32 am

    he's so famous, but he don't have any good pictures,

moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn1 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn2 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn3 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn4 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn5

moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn6 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn7 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn8 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn9 moon is white and the sky is black, Zayn10
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lincoln westwoodlincoln westwood

Število prispevkov : 241
Reputation : 31
Join date : 20/09/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 28, 2012 1:37 am

    some crystal reed pretty please! :3
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 28, 2012 2:47 am

    here you go, she's just sooo cute,

moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal1 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal2 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal3 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal4 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal5

moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal6 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal7 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal8 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal9 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal10

moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal11 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal12 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal13 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal14 moon is white and the sky is black, Crystal15
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lincoln westwoodlincoln westwood

Število prispevkov : 241
Reputation : 31
Join date : 20/09/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Okt 28, 2012 5:38 am

    oh, they are lovely. thanks a lot! smitten 1
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ava hobbava hobb

Število prispevkov : 17
Reputation : 1
Join date : 03/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyPon Nov 05, 2012 12:56 am

    could you make some deborah ann woll, bitte?? (:
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyPon Nov 05, 2012 1:16 am

    deborah was in true blood really beautiful, i must say that,

moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah1 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah2 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah3 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah4 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah5

moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah6 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah7 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah8 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah9 moon is white and the sky is black, Deborah10
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ava hobbava hobb

Število prispevkov : 17
Reputation : 1
Join date : 03/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyPon Nov 05, 2012 1:18 am

    well thank you. srcek
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caden winchestercaden winchester

Število prispevkov : 31
Reputation : 12
Join date : 06/11/2012
Kraj : columbia, south carolina

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 07, 2012 8:38 am

    daniel sharman, pretty please? :3
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dylan palmerdylan palmer

Število prispevkov : 41
Reputation : 10
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Nov 11, 2012 3:33 am

    some nicolas bemberg avatars, please. (:
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hanna sheridanhanna sheridan

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 2
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyNed Nov 11, 2012 11:11 pm

sarah hyland please slikce za opis in avatarji.
upam da bo pomagalo
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyTor Nov 13, 2012 6:47 am

    daniel sharman for jax fitzgerald.
    i really, really, really don't like them.

moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel1 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel2 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel3 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel4 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel5

moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel6 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel7 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel8 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel9 moon is white and the sky is black, Daniel10

    ((note: nicolas bemberg and sarah hyland will be here asap,))
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyTor Nov 13, 2012 7:46 am

    nicolas bemberg for zachary ward.

moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas1 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas2 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas3 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas4 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas5

moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas6 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas7 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas8 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas9 moon is white and the sky is black, Nicolas10

    ((note: sarah hyland will be here asap,))
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 14, 2012 1:52 am

    sarah hyland for summer collins.
    i can't resist - i must love her,

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah1 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah2 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah3 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah4 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah5

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah6 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah7 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah8 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah9 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah10

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah11 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah12 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah13 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah14 moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah15

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah-1

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah-2

moon is white and the sky is black, Sarah-3
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dylan palmerdylan palmer

Število prispevkov : 41
Reputation : 10
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 14, 2012 2:13 am

    thank you, they look great! :3
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hanna sheridanhanna sheridan

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 2
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 14, 2012 2:25 am

i love them. Smile
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caden winchestercaden winchester

Število prispevkov : 31
Reputation : 12
Join date : 06/11/2012
Kraj : columbia, south carolina

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyČet Nov 15, 2012 7:47 am

well, i really do like them so thank you. :smitten:
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mabel wardmabel ward

Število prispevkov : 26
Reputation : 8
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySob Nov 17, 2012 10:41 am

    if possible, some lily collins for me? smitten 1
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tristan waylandtristan wayland

Število prispevkov : 29
Reputation : 12
Join date : 19/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptyPon Nov 26, 2012 5:28 am

    heeei. nice work there Wink

    so i will step in the line and order pic of james franco smitten 3 smitten 3
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hanna sheridanhanna sheridan

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 2
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 28, 2012 5:09 am

kristen bell, pretty please! avatars and 450x240 slikce za opis.
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lucrezia lombardilucrezia lombardi

Število prispevkov : 54
Reputation : 9
Join date : 05/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Nov 28, 2012 5:53 am

    lily collins for mabel ward.

moon is white and the sky is black, Lily1 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily2 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily3 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily4 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily5

moon is white and the sky is black, Lily6 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily7 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily8 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily9 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily10

moon is white and the sky is black, Lily11 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily12 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily13 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily14 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily15

moon is white and the sky is black, Lily16 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily17 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily18 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily19 moon is white and the sky is black, Lily20

    ((note: james franco and kristen bell will be here asap,))
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mabel wardmabel ward

Število prispevkov : 26
Reputation : 8
Join date : 11/11/2012

moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, EmptySre Dec 26, 2012 11:50 pm

    thank you a lot! Smile they look great! smitten 1
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moon is white and the sky is black, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: moon is white and the sky is black,   moon is white and the sky is black, Empty

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moon is white and the sky is black,

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