all these little earthquakes
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we made it out to the other side, Welcome
dobrodošli na rpg forumu all these little earthquakes ali krajše ATLE, kjer je dogajanje postavljeno v idlični port charles v južnjaški louisiani. registracija zahteva ime in priimek v malih tiskanih črkah. lahko si izberete enega od canon likov ali ustvarite svojega. v mestecu je vedno pestro in govorice si širijo še preden zaviješ za naslednji vogal. umazano perilo visi sredi glavnega trga in zlobni jeziki ne prizanašajo. nikomur.

we made it out to the other side, Pravila
we made it out to the other side, Zasnova
we made it out to the other side, Oglasevanje
we made it out to the other side, Map
we made it out to the other side, Faceclaim
we made it out to the other side, Canon
we made it out to the other side, Wanted

we made it out to the other side, Staff

we made it out to the other side, Cbox
we made it out to the other side, Spotlight
the leading lady

we made it out to the other side, Leadinglady

the leading gentleman

we made it out to the other side, Leadingmale

best friendly connection

we made it out to the other side, Friends

best family

we made it out to the other side, Family

best chemistry

we made it out to the other side, Chemistry

honorary member

we made it out to the other side, Member

biggest ego

we made it out to the other side, Ego

biggest sweetheart

we made it out to the other side, Sweetheart

should be a couple

we made it out to the other side, Couple
we made it out to the other side, Credits
idejna zasnova in sam forum pripadata sandri. soustvarjati ga je pomagala celotna moderatorska ekipa, ki je poskrbela za odpiranje tem in strukturo. forumsko grafiko je ustvarila ana, za skin pa gredo zasluge rosemary. vsi prispevki in opisi so delo in last uporabnikov foruma. vsakršno kopiranje je prepovedano.


 we made it out to the other side,

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we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyNed Jan 06, 2013 10:27 am

    we made it out to the other side, Palvinn-2


    nadeah, ena, morda celo edina, izmed tistih, ki so v mestu popolnoma novi. rojena je bila v sankt petersburgu, vedno je bila dekle z velikimi sanjami in hkrati izredno malimi možnostmi za uspeh. na svoj osemnajsti rojstni dan se je prvič napila, vse, česar se od tiste noči spominja pa je, da jo je nek newyorški bogataš zamenjal za prostitutko, jo odpeljal k sebi... skratka, vse skupaj je šlo tako daleč, da je bila v manj kot nekaj tednih poročena z njim. potem je sledila drama glede otroka, čez nekaj let ločitev, nato pa selitev v mayberry. za vse tiste bolj radovedne dodajam še link do celotnega opisa.

Nazadnje urejal/a nadeah mukhova Čet Jan 10, 2013 9:28 pm; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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april beckettapril beckett
fashion designerfashion designer

Število prispevkov : 157
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Join date : 20/10/2012
Kraj : port charles

we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyNed Jan 06, 2013 7:21 pm

    uh i want a piece of her for my noah yay,yay :3
    prvo kot prvo preko miss palvin ne morem pa tudi nadeah je way too much fun ^^
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we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyNed Jan 06, 2013 7:48 pm

    tiana, sure thing! smitten 3 imaš že kakšno idejo za njiju?

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brian bradfordbrian bradford
sports journalistsports journalist

Število prispevkov : 135
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Join date : 02/10/2012

we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyPon Jan 07, 2013 1:02 am

    trenutno ne :3 bom pogledala malce še opis pa se poskusila česa domisliti in ti pošljem kar lepo zs z mojo idejo pa narediva en brainstorming kar tam (:
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we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyPon Jan 07, 2013 1:08 am

    ok, zmenjeno. bom tudi jaz prebrala tvoj opis in mogoče dobim kakšno idejo. smitten 3

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rj cooperrj cooper

Število prispevkov : 68
Reputation : 29
Join date : 16/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc, us

we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyČet Jan 10, 2013 2:02 am

woah I LOVE HER! a imaš še kaj prostora zame? <3 ponujam ti bodisi rjja bodisi jimmyja, doesn't matter, the one you'd like better. :3
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we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyČet Jan 10, 2013 6:57 am

    well, i choose rj because he's so fuckin amazing, handome and oooh, i love him so much! smitten 3 predpostavljam, da imaš ti že več povezav kot jaz, zato bi te najprej vprašala, če potrebuješ kaj specifičnega v tem trenutku. v nasprotnem primeru bom pa jaz malo razmislila, še preletela tvoj plot page in ti poslala zs asap.

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rj cooperrj cooper

Število prispevkov : 68
Reputation : 29
Join date : 16/10/2012
Kraj : mayberry, nc, us

we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, EmptyČet Jan 10, 2013 1:36 pm

rj it is! nimam v mislih ničesar, kar bi zares potrebovala, razen seveda amazing plotlina s tvojo ljubko nadeah.. ^^ but really, it can be anything. vsekakor bi si želela kaj hot and sweaty, ker so pač takšne povezave toliko bolj zanimive, ampak no pressure. kakšen douche se počutim, ker prihajam sem brez konkretne ideje, i suck so hard! ^^ zato te bom res prosila, da morda še ti malce prečekiraš rjja in mi pošlješ pm, v najslabšem primeru tudi takšnega z "popolnoma brez idej" tekstom, i won't mind, če se pa česa spomniš pa toliko boljše!

all the love
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we made it out to the other side, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: we made it out to the other side,   we made it out to the other side, Empty

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we made it out to the other side,

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